Tuesday 19 January 2010


Well, I'm in my summer holiday right now, and I'm bored as hell.
Ok, yesterday I went out and all, but mostly I spend all the time at home, doing nothing useful, and making my ass fatter. If I could only use this free time to work out or train for a marathon, I could start my classes in february looking hotter, instead of fatter....

Well, not everything about holidays suck! Saturday I'm heading to New York City!! Yeah! I'll change this bloody summer for a fucking cold snowy winter!!
Wich is good, by the way. I like the cold much better.

And, I really want to do some shopping in NY! I only wish I could lose 1 stone until saturday so I could buy (and fit in) some size 6 jeans...
Well, I was once told we can't have it all right? Well, I am smart, talented and quite good looking, I'm just unfortunately about 18 pound over my ideal weight. I mean, I'm not overweigh (I've a BMI of 22.8, ok, its almost overweight, but it's not overweight yet!!), but I feel and look better when I am 18 pound lighter then now (even thought the last time I weighted 18 pounds less was an year ago...).
Oh I so want to burn this extra weight off, but at the same time I love eating so much, and I'm a carbs addict!

Ok, I'm about to make a promise. Oh fuck I'll regret this later. I'll lose until the 1st day of march, 2010, this 18 pounds.
Well, its not impossible, right? I've got 40 days, so it means I just have to lose less than half a pound per day, in average.

Anyway, I WONT make this one of those diet blogs. It is still a blog about my life, not about my weight or my diet, but as dieting is part of my life, I guess I should write about once in a while, when I feel like it.

3 DAYS TO NYC!!!!!!!!

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